Time table of Ningen Shogi 
(Last modified: April 14, 1998)
| Map around | Report in 1998 | Time Table in 1998 | Schedule of festival in 1998 |
| Miss Contest | Take part in this event ! | History |
April 25
- From 11:30 a.m.
- From 1:00 p.m.
Ningen Shogi (Human Japanese Chess Game)
Player :
Ms.Haruko SAITA with the professional title "Ousyou"
Ms.Mayumi HAYASHI with 2 Dan grade
Commentator :
Mr.Masataka SUGIMOTO with 5 Dan grade
- From 3:00 p.m.
Play with professional Shogi (Japanese chess) players
April 26
- From 10:00 a.m.
Photo Contest
Contest of painting
Contest for beautiful rip mark
- From 10:30 a.m.
Opening Celemony
Parade of Tendo Hanakoma Odori
Street performance by GEN Gorou
Play traditional Japanese drums by Ryujin Daiko, Myouken Daiko and Zuigen Daiko
Play a march Ishin-Gungaku-Tai by Tendo Nanbu elementary school
- From 1:00 p.m.
Ningen Shogi (Human Japanese Chess Game)
Player :
Mr. Masataka SUGIMOTO with 5 Dan grade
Mr. Yuki IIZUKA with 5 Dan grade
Commentator :
Mr. Hifumi KATO with 9 Dan grade
- From 3:00 p.m.
Play with professional Shogi (Japanese chess) players
More infomation...
Tourism promotion association in Tendo
tel +81-23-653-1680
"Ningen Shogi (Index)"
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Copyright(C), 1997-2009 Tetsuya TAKAHASHI and "Ikechang"