The 12th sport recreation festival "Sporec Yamagata '99" is held from this October 16. The bureau of executive committee of this event was establishted in Tendo municipal office. This event is held inside Yamagata Prefecture until October 19. In Tendo city, they hold the track and fied for the senior, a tennis athletic meet for the senior.
Yamgata Prefectural tourist society and Yamagata tourist promotion campaign conference, they begun a promotion campaign of the flight between Tokyo and Yamagata. They present the staying ticket of Zao Spa(hot spring) to 1 passenger and the cherry which picked up early season to 3 passengers by the boarding pass. They hold this present campaign until the end of June only on the flight from Tokyo to Yamagata. Cherry, local sake, Soba(Japanese noodle), wine, etc. are given to 3 passengers per 1 flight. Furthermore, the Japanese inn at the hot spring of pair staying ticket in Yamagata Prefecture is given to 2 passengers per 1 week.
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