At the city office, they display a replica of siderite. It felt down in 1910s. It is shape of octahedron, 16 centimeters high, 19 centimeters width and 10 centimeters thickness. We have found only a few siderite in Japan. The siderite in Tendo is 10.1kg, the 3rd heavy one and the 10th heavy meteorite in Japan. We can see a original one at the national science museum in Tokyo.
Jan 8 (Fri.)
(the highest -2.5C /the lowest -4.8C /weather - snow)
Jan 7 (Thu.)
(the highest 4.4C /the lowest 0.5C /weather - snow)
There is highway bus Tokyo from Shinjou to Tokyo through Tendo city. And this highway bus will run also by way of Sagae city, next to Tendo city. It directly goes to the Yamagata Highway after the depart from Tendo. But they have a interchange in Sagae city, there is no difference of time when they go to Sagae city aftet the depart from Tendo. It helps many people in Sagae city go Tokyo.
The government In Japan decide to issue gift coupons to push up Japanese business. They give the coupon for all children under 15 years old and some old people over 65 years old. These tickets are issued in each autonomies. We can use these tickets insted of real money, we have to protect coping. So it need more time, money and technique to make it. More tickets, less costs about making coupons. They decide to make same design tickets in Tendo city and other 2 cities and 2 towns around Tendo, totally 5 autonomies order together for decreasing the cost. They issue about 300,000 tickets in Tendo city.
Mr.Kiyokuni SAITOH plants cherryis in very early season at Araya area, southeast from Tendo Spa. Usually the season of cheery is from June to July. He warms up their greenhouses, about 22C(=71.6F) in daytime and 12C(=53.6F) at night. It is the most early cherry in Japan, it is very expensive. 1 pack cherry (300g) is sold about 70,000yen, it measns that only one cherry is 2,000 yen.
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